Fahad Masood, Mraes, Sqn Ldr (R)

Analysing Stealth Platforms Now you See me Now you don't
Analysing Stealth Platforms Now You See Me Now you don’t
Since 1903’s rise of the Wright Flyer, next big thing was the ‘invisibility’ cloak. It has been a rough road with more failures than success. At the juncture of history, where we stand today, success of high-tech military aviation jets...
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A Look at the future of Air Power Manning The Unmanned
A Look At The Future Of Air Power Manning The Unmanned
Unmanned is the inevitable future of aviation. May it be military or commercial, there is semblance of thought between all corridors of power and policy that future of airpower is unmanned. Whether it will be autonomous or remotely piloted is...
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Baig Strikes Twice An Unforgettable Feat of 1971 War
Baig Strikes Twice An Unforgettable Feat of 1971 War
Wg Cdr Salim Baig Mirza might not be well-known among the public but is a legend in aviation circles. Still known for his calm and humble demeanour, he was a great asset to PAF during the 1971 War. His superb...
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A View from the Future Air Power Beyond 2050
A View from the Future Air Power Beyond 2050
The ‘Star Wars’ sci-fi movies predicted it all. However, nobody could believe that we’d see it in our lifetimes. Futuristic looking aircraft flying with unbelievable speeds, spaceships and weapons being controlled by Robots and laser weapons dissecting the enemy aircraft...
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