
Together We Train & Rise Ex ACES MEET 2021-2
Together We Train & Rise Ex ACES MEET 2021-2
ACES Meet is designed with the goal of enhancing capabilities, elevating combat expertise and increase cooperation and interoperability between participating air forces. Orchestrated by PAF ACE and attended by the air forces of Turkey, Uzbekistan and the UK, we bring...
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Air Defenders Graduate A View from the Parade Square
Air Defenders Graduate A View from the Parade Square
Twice in the calendar year, young aviators at PAF Academy Asghar Khan climb the stairs at Falcons’ Hearth to join the ranks of men in blue who have safeguarded the aerial frontiers of their beloved country since its inception. From...
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Martyrs’ Day - 2021 Honouring the Shuhada
Martyrs’ Day Honouring the Shuhada
Every year, PAF observes 7 September as the ‘Martyrs’ Day’ and this year was no exception. In one of its finest traditions of paying tribute to the Shuhada, Ghazis and Veterans of PAF, several solemn and prestigious ceremonies are held...
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PAF’s Cyber Force Stands Up Combating Cyberterrorism
PAF’s Cyber Force Stands Up Combating Cyberterrorism
We live in strange times. Technological progress has broken all predictable levels of advancements. Everyday humans are now able to do tasks on a daily basis which would’ve been considered witchcraft even a few decades ago. However, this luxury does...
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The Story of an Intre Duo Beyond the Call of Duty
The Story Of An Intre Duo Beyond The Call Of Duty
0330 Hrs, 7 September 1965 – Two young Squadron Leaders from No 8 Squadron of No 31 Bomber Wing at Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Station Mauripur (now Base Masroor) in Karachi, sat strapped in the tandem cockpit of their Martin...
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Aircraft Boneyards Around the World Lest We Forget
Aircraft Boneyards Around The World Lest We Forget
Several hundred veterans stood erect, old yet still proud. Every single one of them had served their time, made their nations proud. They had served in every role possible, from combat to support to logistics. Wars had been won on...
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Flying Cars the future is Now
Flying Cars The Future Is Now
It takes one man’s courage to turn fiction into flesh. The invention of the wheel brought the world every invention that has followed. Alan Turing’s monstrosity that was the first computer, designed to crack the Nazis’ enigma code, turned into...
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MISSION JAISALMER A Saga of Courage, Grit and Resilience
A Saga of Courage, Grit and Resilience Daring aircrew of PAF’s Air Transport Wing flew some unbelievable misions during both wars with the enemy. From carrying out low-level bombing raids in their improvised ‘B-130’ bombers to paradropping special forces across...
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Marching on the Tunes of Glory Battle of the Brass Bands
Marching On The Tunes Of Glory Battle Of The Brass Bands
Everybody believed that they had seen it all. For the last few days, participating bands from the three sister services had amazed the audience relentlessly. It was a musical gala that stunned the audience for days. Buglers, Trumpeters, Drummers in...
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Arrows over Konya ANATOLIAN EAGLE
Arrows Over Konya Anatolian Eagle
International exercises are held between host countries and allies to boost learning, share information and improve using accurate simulations of real-world military operations. Turkey’s Anatolian Eagle is all about increasing the operational skill level of the participating pilots and defence...
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