
Artificial Intelligence Shaping the Future of Air Power
Artificial Intelligence Shaping The Future Of Air Power
Artificial Intelligence is evolving rapidly and with its advent, new ways are being explored to form a communion between man and machine. This enigmatic merger means groundbreaking advancements in air warfare, which will lead to better control with increased destructive...
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Will the Real ‘8-Pass Charlie’ Stand Up!
Will the  Real ‘8-Pass Charlie’ Stand Up!
It is a rare feat indeed to have your name glorified by the enemy. Such was the enigmatic prowess of Air Cdre Najeeb A. Khan, a pilot that left the Indians impressed by his noiseless, impeccably timed bombing runs in...
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IN THE BACKDROP OF RECENT DISPUTE WITH CHINA AND NEPAL As it attempts to strong-arm smaller states to further it’s hegemonic agenda, India has disillusioned the world to its claim of being an ethical democracy. Pakistan has identified India as...
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Hypersonic Weapons The Next Arms Race
Hypersonic Weapons The Next Arms Race
Hypersonic weapons have triggered the next arms race. With advanced nations and militaries scrambling to obtain this futuristic technology with immense and precise destructive power, it has become a major factor in determining which nation will emerge as the next...
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PAKistan Defense Budget Myths & Realities
Pakistan Defense Budget Myths & Realities
Debunking the connotation that Pakistan Military is spending a mammoth chunk of the total GDP, the author takes us through an array of factual comparisons and logical arguments on Pakistan’s Defense spending. In its idealized form, a budget should reflect...
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Fast & Furious A Tale of Star Fighter - A Speedster of PAF
Fast & Furious A Tale of Star Fighter – A Speedster of PAF
Superlatives have no place while presenting the technical appraisal of a fighter aircraft, however, F-104 Star Fighter has always been an exception in this regard. ‘Fastest’, ‘Highest’, ‘Best’, ‘Coolest’ are some of the commonly used superlatives when it comes to...
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No 52 Sqn of PAF Markhors New Beginnings
No 52 Sqn Of PAF Markhors New Beginnings
Once airborne, the CN-235 is a self-contained war unit of men and machine with a breadth of possible situations and actions known to a military transport plane. Everyday is its finest hour. Although the majority of war supplies were carried...
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Super Men Producing Super Mushshak
Super Men Producing Super Mushshak
A lot of people at the LA (Light Aircraft) department in Aircraft Manufacturing Factory (AMF) have immense passion for what they do and mass-producing Super Mushshak is what they do best. This piston-engine trainer plane is a product of experience,...
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Taking Stock
Taking Stock
A trait that makes a leader great is the ability to be involved and aware on the micro level of his domain. A hands-on approach of the lives and working of his men not only gives him a real-time grasp...
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Farewell to a Gladiator
Farewell To A Gladiator
Air Marshal Dilawar Hussain ...You will always be Remembered! Men who have had the honour of defending the nation in both 65 and 71 are rare. These men are counted amongst the early heroes to whom the nation owes an...
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