
Salute to a Mujahid
Salute To A Mujahid
The last three years were highly challenging for the Pakistan Air Force. The year 2019 saw arch-rival India making a misadventure, only to be responded by PAF. 2020 even more so, as a dangerous pandemic spread across the world like...
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Desert, Dust Dare Devils A View From Cholistan
Desert, Dust Dare Devils A View From Cholistan
Deep within the realm of the hot sandy hills and cacti, where civilization avoids commute, there is an enthralling event that captures the eyes and hearts of spectators worldwide; where tempers and adrenaline surge to the highest, tires spit dust...
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All About Ramjets Past, Present and the Future
All About Ramjets Past, Present & The Future
As the speed and range of the jet engine becomes a limiting factor both in the military and civilian domains, advances are being made in air propulsion. The answer comes in the form of one of the most promising air...
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Water war History of Water Disputes between India and Pakistan & & Way Forward
Water War History Of Water Disputes Between India And Pakistan & Way Forward
The Indus Waters Treaty is dubbed one of the most successful transboundary treaties brokered by the World Bank. It has endured perpetual hostility between India and Pakistan, including three border wars. The Treaty notwithstanding, there still exist a number of...
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Flying Saucers myth or Reality
Flying Saucers Myth Or Reality
Flying saucers and aliens go hand-in-hand in pop culture. From baby boomers to millennials, several generations have grown up with tales of alien sightings which almost always involved a flying saucer. It can’t be denied that there is substantial allure...
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PAF's Miracle Mirages 50 Years Strong
PAF’s Miracle Mirages 50 Years Strong
The tale of the service that Mirage has given to PAF is nothing short of spectacular. Serving the nation for more than five decades alone is no ordinary achievement. That’s why all the unsung heroes who flew this bird in...
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A Look at the future of Air Power Manning The Unmanned
A Look At The Future Of Air Power Manning The Unmanned
Unmanned is the inevitable future of aviation. May it be military or commercial, there is semblance of thought between all corridors of power and policy that future of airpower is unmanned. Whether it will be autonomous or remotely piloted is...
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Fabulous Fury A nimble Fighter of RPAF
Fabulous Fury A Nimble Fighter of RPAF
Dubbed as the Pilots’ aircraft, Hawker Sea Fury served the nascent RPAF for over a decade. From performing watch and ward duties in the troubled tribal areas of the West to anti-locust campaigns in the South, the aircraft was used...
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A Tale of Burraqs’ Jinnah's Legacy
A Tale Of Burraqs’ Jinnah’s Legacy
The crews and aircraft in the No 12 squadron have helped premiers make history - occasionally they made history themselves. Anywhere, where the presence of our Presidents, the Prime Ministers and heads of the armed forces and senior government dignitaries...
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Wings of Freedom
Wings Of Freedom A View From The Parade Venue
Marking an important moment that really changed our history, the Parade Day celebrations featured an armada of flying machines belonging to its armed forces. The focal point of the event was a salute to the nation by the new air...
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