
Rashidabad Angels' Abode
Rashidabad Angels’ Abode    
Set in rural Sindh, the Rashidabad Complex is an oasis, both in the literal and metaphorical sense. Just as it is a scenic sanctuary in an unforgiving land, it is ray of hope for individuals who have not been dealt...
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CPEC Opportunities in Aviation
CPEC Opportunities In Aviation
The Sino-Pak mammoth project CPEC which has made global waves, will emerge not only as a strategic pivot but will also open a gateway of opportunities for the Pakistani aviation industry, an integral pillar of which is the Aeronautical City...
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On the 18 Hour Edge
On the 18 Hour Edge
Alone at sea, a man has only himself and his will to live. If you do not believe in miracles, listen to how Muhammad Sajjad, hopelessly adrift in the Arabian Sea for more than 18 hours, completely at the mercy...
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Shaping the Future of Pakistan
Shaping The Future Of Pakistan
There’s something powerful about setting a goal so big that there seems no way of achieving it. But that is what one former school teacher did. She watched a group of people join her, rally towards the impossible with children...
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Post Covid - 19 global Order
Post Covid – 19 global Order
The World-Order had called for its centurial shift and the Pandemic presented it: With the Sino-US trade war and blame game over Covid-19, it is yet to be seen who claims the Leader Of The Free World throne in the...
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Unwrapping The Mystery
Unwrapping The Mystery!
A daily life example of a healthcare worker in 2024 is an apt insight into our future after 5G takes over and revolutionizes technology as we know it. The world will make quantum leaps as data makes way at 5G...
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IAF’s Procurements Threat To Regional Peace
In a world of increasing uncertainty, nations scamper to take measures to protect themselves-to secure their position in the world nexus. Some nations prefer securing their regional position through diplomatic ties and soft means. However, on the other dark end...
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Ever-Evolving UK Combat Air
Ever-Evolving UK Combat Air
Alan Warnes brings to you a sneak peak of latest developments, offshore deployments,upgrades, modernization plans of the ever evolving UK Combat Air; a force well cognizant of future challenges. There have been significant improvements to the RAF’s combat-air capabilities in...
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Faithful Warrior
Faithful  Warrior
Meet the F-6, a fast and maneuverable jet fighter. Each engine let loose 7,000 kilograms of power as she took off and could climb to 30, 000 feet from where the curvature of the earth can be seen blew, all...
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Heavy Metal
Heavy Metal
There are not many things in this world that are indispensable. This bird comes as close to it for an aeroplane. What the IL-78 lacks in sleekness of a high profiled jet fighter, more than makes up for at heart....
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