Special Edition Winter 2023-24

Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas (NH) The Highest Valour Award
Rashid Minhas remains an enduring symbol of valour. In the pivotal year of 1971, at the tender age of 20, Minhas found himself in a situation that would forever etch his name in the annals of heroism. Confronted by a...
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The Himalayan Battle Lines
The Himalayan Battle Lines
Decades old conflict between the two powerful nations pose a threat to regional stability: An analytical look into the long-winded cold war between the regional powers Part 2 The 1962 Indo-China War is a frozen conflict. This mid-20th Century border war continues...
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Aerial Adrenaline The World of Paratriking
Aerial Adrenaline The World of Paratriking
In the dynamic aviation industry, giants strive to create eco-friendly, cost-effective aircraft to combat global warming. Electric propulsion, hypersonic travel, and pilotless planes are pushing boundaries. Imagine a world where the sky becomes a realm of autonomous choreography, where trust...
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Has The Last Pilot Already Been Born
Has The Last Pilot Already Been Born?
In the dynamic aviation industry, giants strive to create eco-friendly, cost-effective aircraft to combat global warming. Electric propulsion, hypersonic travel, and pilotless planes are pushing boundaries. Imagine a world where the sky becomes a realm of autonomous choreography, where trust...
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A Kill Without A Price
The tale of a PAF radar controller credited with the kill of an Indian jet fighter In a remarkable display of ingenuity and resourcefulness, a PAF Air Defence Controller showcased exceptional out-of-the-box thinking while sitting behind his radar screen near...
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PAF AIRWORTHINESS Certification Authority (PACA)
Modern air power is technologically complex and resource intensive. It is therefore expensive to obtain, maintain and upgrade. Quaid-e-Azam in his famous speech in 1948, which is a source of inspiration for the PAF, emphasized the need of self-reliance. PAF...
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Story of Versatility and innovation
Story of Versatility & Innovation
Today, nearly two dozen Pakistan Air Force C-130 transport aircraft crisscross the skies above us. It’s one of the best aircraft in history and its life span is exceptional - almost forever. But what is the explanation behind this record...
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Anatolian Eagle-2023 A View From Konya
Anatolian Eagle is always an exciting exercise that the Turkish Air Force is keen to promote, not just to NATO but to other international allies like Jordan, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and of course the Pakistan Air Force. It gives...
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INDUS SHIELD Forging the Future
Indus Shield Forging The Future
In the heart of chaos, where the clash of steel meets the cries of the valiant, where the very earth trembles under the weight of impending battle, therein lies the theatre of war. It is a relentless stage where destinies...
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Under No One’s Thumb
Under No One’s Thumb
When the PAF started out it had little more than some mainly obsolete planes and fewer airmen than its belligerent neighbour. How on earth could they go toe-to-toe with any other bigger power? Flash forward some 70 years, with the...
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